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Christian Dating A Jew

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It is usually easier for Christians to participate in the observance of Jewish holidays, which, after all, are also a part of Christian heritage, than for Jews to participate in Christian holidays, which are based upon theological beliefs Jews do not accept. Life-cycle rituals reflect both the history and theology of each religious community. Dear Gefilte: My Jewish Daughter Is Dating a Catholic Boy. By Dear Gefilte Aug 5, 2015. Dear Gefilte, I’ve tried everything else I can think of. Maybe you can help. My 22-year old college-graduate daughter has been dating a Catholic boy, also a college graduate since they met in high school. He’s a nice boy, and on a personal level, I. Dating and marriage are different things for Jewish dating. You do have a right to start courting and dating, but if something is making you think the relationship won't develop, your intuition might be right. Understanding who you are and what you need is among the crucial things.

Christian Dating Jimmy Evans


Can Christians And Jews Marry

I am a Christian female and I am dating a Jewish male. I have half the people in my life forbidding me to do so and half saying it is fine. We both love the same GOD, so am I still unevenly yoked?
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---Karen on 11/15/10
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As long as he doesn't forbid you to worship Jesus Christ.
As Paul said in the Bible, you might lead him to Christ.
---Nicole_Lacey on 11/4/18

The modern Jewish faith does not follow God as Christianity knows Him from the Bible. Judaism holds about as much in common theologically with Christianity as Islam does. The bottom line is, you CAN do whatever you want. But marrying someone of a completely different faith is highly unwise, and very clearly spoken against in the Bible.
---Sandy on 11/4/18

God bless you. You do not worship the same God. Jesus Christ said He came to divide and this is what He meant. Jesus asked 'who do you say that I am?' If you and your boyfriend don't answer the same, you are unequally yoked.
---John on 1/14/18

Of course it is unevenly yoked when he does not believe in Jesus as Saviour. But most Christian marriages themselves are unholy unions for which it is better not to marry (Matthew 19:10) as evident by abortion, adultery, divorce and battle. More are unevenly yoked. Paul thought it good not to marry. (1 Corinthians 7:1) In time you will likely agree.
---mike4879 on 1/1/17

Yes if he WON'T stop you from worshipping Jesus and RAISING your children as Christians.
You need to have a LONG Pre Marriage Counseling.
The Vatican has advised Catholics in the Western part of the world to have a 12 months pre marriage counseling and LONGER if marrying a non-Catholic.
Marriage is hard in itself.
Not being equal in beliefs is a difficult path to walk.
Who knows as St. Paul said you might introduce him to Jesus?
---Nicole_Lacey on 11/6/16

Hey 'rabbi' or whoever you are. being judgemental won't help here. there is NO SUCH THING AS ANTI-SEMITISM. if there is it should be the russian or the arab muslims or the muslims. stop being a ridiculous person. Jesus had given you the parable isn't that enough to prove that that YOUR 'HUMAN'S KNOWLEDGE' IS NOTHING. listen, about salvation, if you die one day, where will you go?
---jojo on 11/6/16

Bob, a Christian should marry a Christian. Many Jews are now Messianic Jews (meaning that they have accepted Christ as the Messiah). If this applies to Elsa then, yes, you can marry her but if she still follows Jewish teaching and does not believe that Jesus is the Messiah then marrying her would be a bad idea and against God's teaching.
You will not share the most important thing (faith) during your marriage and will, eventually, regret it if that is what you are planning to do.
---Rita_H on 3/12/16

If i love Elsa i can marry her even if she is Jewish and i am not.!!!!1:)
---bob on 3/9/16

Be ye not unequally yoked with unbelievers must mean marriage and business partnerships. To survive either we need to be partnered to people of like mind. Christians should be joined with other Christians for such purposes.
I disagree with the Rabbi.
---Rita_H on 12/17/13

The best answer usually comes from experience. I was married to an Orthodox Jew for 12 years. We really love each other. But he is no longer with me because of family pressure and his own belief that God is punishing him for being with me. I am heart broken. I have done everything I can to preserve our marriage. Right now I am drawing close to God and waiting for Him to redeem and heal both of us. And I know that He has the power and all the right answers. Pray that God will draw this man to Him. Don't ever stop believing that your man needs the faith you have. Protect your heart. I would not wish this on anyone.
---Cheryl on 12/17/13

'only he must belong to the Lord.' 1 Corinthians 7:39
A woman is bound to her husband as long as he lives. But if her husband dies, she is free to marry anyone she wishes, but he must belong to the Lord.
It is not really being equally yoked. There is already a divide. Honor your father and mother on the matter. It may be better than most christian marriages which are unholy unions that end in divorce or it may not be. There are Jews for Jesus that retain a Jewish flavor in worship and practice while professing Christ. You'd need to give both ways.
---bike on 1/18/13

You appear to be the victim of Christian anti-antisemitism.
First the unequally yoked provisions from Cor. has to do with business relationships and not marriage. Often mis-used to manipulate those not versed in Biblical teachings. Taking the whole of Paulinan theology not just that which you need to rob and steal from the body of believers.
Paul's teachings would have been clear to most gentile God fearers and Jews of the day. In Paul's mind un-beleaviers would be that large cache of individuals who were not natural born Jews and were not gentile God-Fearers as they would have been known during the first century. Any other teaching to the contrary is highly suspect and not true. God will judge those folks motives.
Rabbi Cohen
---Rabbi_Cohen on 1/16/13

Karen, one other thing that I wanted to mention concerning your question,
I want you to know that when God commands us not to do something, it is not because He wants to avoid us from having fun or just to be mean. He gives us those commands to prevent us from getting in real trouble. Normally when we go against His commands the consequences of that sin could be real bad for us and others around us.
---Mark_V. on 12/27/10

If u both have strong connection w christ and your chemistry is strong w each other then go for it!!!
---Briteny on 12/27/10

Christians are not to be 'unequally yoked' with an unbeliever. If the Jew is an unbeliever, which usually is the case, then, NO, it is not right for a Christian to marry such a one. No matter 'how much in love' the two may be. For, GOD sees beyond the feelings of 'love' and affection. He sees whether the two are walking the Path towards HIM or not, as a (potential) married couple. GOD does have to come first.
---Gordon on 12/27/10

Mark thank you for your kind comments. I also appreciate the way you write as it evidences that you understand Scripture, and that it is your guide.
The Scriptures you quote make it very clear that those Jews were by their lack of faith no longer Abraham's children. Their physical lineage was of absolutely no use as their behaviour made them children of the devil-John 8:44.
What insults He dealt them, all in the name of Truth. I am sure His intent was not simply to be insulting but to deliver the hard truth to cause them to repent of their misplaced pride, and be saved.
It is clear Jesus was saying that salvation is available to those with the right heart whether they be Jew or Gentile.
---Warwick on 12/26/10

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Warwick, I like your answers. When the Pharisees and Sadducees came to John the Baptist and questioned John's right to baptize, John answered
'And do not think to say to yourselves, 'We have Abraham as our father' For I say to you that God is able to raise up children to Abraham from these stone. And even now the ax is laid to the root of the trees. Therefore every tree which does not bear fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire' Those Pharisees and Sadducees didn't have faith like Abraham did, yet they claimed to be his children. John the Baptist exposed their delusion. Clearly natural lineage alone is not enough. Without faith and a spiritual connection with God, those Jews or any other no matter the tribe are doomed.
---Mark_V. on 12/25/10

Warwick 2: Jesus taught the same truth. When a certain group of Jewish people said to Him,
'Abraham is our father.' Jesus responded, 'If you were Abraham children, you would do the works of Abraham' (John 8:39). They also claimed to be Abraham's children' but they lack faith. By Jesus saying, 'If you were Abraham's children' Jesus had denied their claim. Jesus said to them, 'If God were your Father you would love Me..You are of your father the devil and the desires of your father you want to do.'
Jesus said they weren't Abraham's children at all because they lacked true faith and were following lies. Their lineage actually went back to satan, the first liar.
---Mark_V. on 12/25/10

(moderator, karen did not say she was going to marry. i again ask you moderators if we can title our own questions.)
karen, sure a christian can date a jew. then, maybe you will see that in time you two don't love the same God.
then, you will be able to answer the yoke question yourself. picking up the yoke together is easy. carrying it together is where you will see it is difficult.
---aka on 12/24/10

Does he (Trav)imagine Matthew, Mark, John, Mary, and Paul et al will be left out. Will my friend Paul Israel Zana, born a Jew, now a dedicated follower of Christ also fail to make it to heaven? ---Warwick on 11/23/10
You've adopted technique from ur teacher Mark5. Might be tough on ole Trav, since 'Israel'is a last name in my family tree. But, there jews, who claim name,but are not. Also preachers. Revelation 3:9
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie, behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
Have ur Judaic friend educate that Judah is 1/13th of Israel. Scripture hasn't.
---Trav on 11/29/10

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I said...If I can worship a Jew I can marry one
But it was only on His Mother's side.
---Cluny on 11/17/10
Cute, Cluny, cute.
---larry on 11/29/10

But what is Trav's excuse?
Does He imagine faithful Jew's such as Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Gideon, David, Daniel, Elijah, Elisha, Jonah et al will be denied access to heaven? ---Warwick on 11/23/10
Typical off a stapuffed preacher of today...many years boasting...who would be an authority but does not know his bible....
Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses..are not Judahites. Judah has it's place and is found occupying it in scripture,as those with eyes and ears note.
So do you. Preaching what you do not understand. Ur mission is certainly not Christs who sought that which was lost: Matt 10:6/15:24
---Trav on 11/29/10

I have noticed that there are quite a few that either call names, belittle other's answers or think of themselves higher than they should.
As Christians we should remember that unsaved folk watch these sites and that it is the Lord whom we shame with such answers.
A proud spirit took an angel and made a devil out of him.
How can anyone expect a person to believe that we have that which is necessary for eternal life when the answers are proud and shame the Lord?
It is no wonder the Lord said few would find the way.
---Frank on 11/26/10

I don't beleive that a genuine Christian would stoop to addressing others in such an offensive and hateful way, nor to express so often joy at the fact that people are going to hell
---alan8566_of_uk on 11/25/10

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Cuny, if you and old dumb face knew the living God then you would not think it so strange! I
I don't know who 'old dumb face' is, but I DO know the real Living God, and that's how I know you are under the influence of religious familiar spirits.
---Cluny on 11/24/10

Cuny, if you and old dumb face knew the living God then you would not think it so strange! I must be the most gossip about on here. Never mind, Jesus went through it too. God calls you 'BACKSTABBERS'. hA, hA. You are bothering God, but, you are not bothering me. Bite the duct.
---catherine on 11/24/10

Cluny thank you for the information regarding Catherine's strange experience. I must have missed that in my absence.
But what is Trav's excuse?
Does He imagine faithful Jew's such as Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Gideon, David, Daniel, Elijah, Elisha, Jonah et al will be denied access to heaven? Likewise will countless, other unnamed male and female Jews who faithfully followed God up 'till NT times miss out? Does he imagine Matthew, Mark, John, Mary, and Paul et al will be left out. Will all those latter day Jews who have come to faith in Jesus and those yet to do so, miss out also? Will my friend Paul Israel Zana, born a Jew, now a dedicated follower of Christ also fail to make it to heaven? Surely not.
---Warwick on 11/23/10

Catherine why am I not surprized that you have only condemnation for those who, as yet, don't know the Lord Jesus.
You had better get to love Jews as there will be plenty in heaven.
---Warwick on 11/23/10
Why am I not surprised that you do not know. Why am I not surprised that you devour the weak an unknowledable. A sign in itself.
2,000 years is long enough....for even a false preacher to see the error of his cemetary learning.
Jews are anti-Christ. Yes some that are Judean, may come....if GOD draws them.
But, alas....some jews,and preachers claim title, but honor fruits of their idols. Some in ignorance, some stubborness, some by pride. Never chosen by GOD but climb in another way to sheep hold.
---Trav on 11/23/10

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I know many.
Love wins, attack repels!
---Warwick on 11/22/10
As your example has proven so many times. Spoken like a true preacher of the masses. Do as i say not as I do. A legend in your own mind.
Revelation 2:9
I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
Revelation 3:9
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie, behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
---Trav on 11/23/10

Warwick, catherine has made it clear that she has at least one familiar religious spirit--one of whom assaulted her sexually.
---Cluny on 11/23/10

Catherine why am I not surprized that you have only condemnation for those who, as yet, don't know the Lord Jesus.
You had better get to love Jews as there will be plenty in heaven.
---Warwick on 11/23/10

If you really don't know who Jesus is, then you are worshiping a false God! That's it. God will be the one who harden your hearts. Oh my. Ha, Ha.
---catherine on 11/22/10

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In their blindness most Jews do not recognize who Jesus truly is. However we do worship the same creator God whom we know as the Lord Jesus.
Some of the attitudes displayed towards Jews here will cause them to harden their hearts towards the Lord Jesus. Fortunately the organization 'Jews For Jesus' does not take this sad attitude towards our brothers. And they see many many converted. I know many.
Love wins, attack repels!
---Warwick on 11/22/10

Jews and Christians do not worship the same deity.
Christians believe that God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Jews don't.
---Cluny on 11/15/10
Don't dance around Biblical wording.
Jews are mostly Anti-Christ's.
Christian are followers of Christ.
Can Light marry Dark? Light overcomes dark. Light wins. Dark disapears.
Dark actually does not is an absence of Light.
---Trav on 11/20/10

If I can worship a Jew I can marry one
But it was only on His Mother's side.
---Cluny on 11/17/10

If I can worship a Jew I can marry one.
The real question is who would God have you marry. Ask him to confirm your desires and really be open to NO. Don't play games with God if you've already made up your mind.
Pray until you are sure. If you really desire to hear from God you will.
God be with you sister.
---larry on 11/17/10

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If you both acknowledge 'YHVH' as the supreme God of the universe, then you have the same God, same as Deut.6.4.
The problem comes in accepting His Son and
the salvation He provided!
If this becomes a 'snag' in your relationship, perhaps you should part company.
Trying to reason with emotion is almost a futile effort!
---1st_cliff on 11/17/10

You both love Jesus? Is he a Messianic (Jews who believe Jesus is the Messiah?)
You used the word unequally yoked as in do not be unequally yoked as was commanded in the Christian bible so quit playing games, when you know the answer.
---Susi on 11/17/10

You do not both love the same God. You love the Lord God Jesus Christ, but your nonChristian Jew friend does not because he does not know that Jesus Christ is Yeshuah ha Meshiach whom was prophesied to come in Isaiah 53.
---Eloy on 11/15/10

Jewish people donot accept Jesus as Gods son. Agreed, so it would be unequally yolked unless this person did accept Christ, but chose to live the Jewish ways.
I accept Jesus as my mediator between him & his father, I am also non-trinitarian because I saw the lies the mainstream worldly churches teach today.God showed me who he & his son is. It is NOT 1*1*1=1 It's 1+1+1=3 seperate but equal . 1 family though. the Jewish people accept 2/3 of the equation the holy spirit & God of the OT.
---candice on 11/15/10

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As a Christian, turn to the Word of God for answers as He has left them for our (Christians) benefit. The Jews may claim they believe in God (Yahweh) but they reject His Son Jesus Christ in whom Christians have faith in. Paul teaches in 2 Corinthians 6:11-16 about the Christian relationship with Christ.
Verse 14 & 15 says, 'Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?'
---christan on 11/15/10

Your Jewish friend is still under the Old Covenant with all its laws and as a Christian you are under the New Covenant bought with Christs blood and Christ made the Old Covenant wax old and pass away. The test isn't if you love the same God,it is do you both love Jesus,the only son of God,he was born of a virgin,preached among man,was crucified,died,rose from the dead,and lives forevermore and now sits on the Right Hand of God. Yes you are unequally yoked. No matter how much you love each other you must not marry a Jew unless he honestly converts to Christianity. You cannot as a Christian have one foot in the Old Covenant and the other in the New. That Jew is no more saved than any sinner because the only way to reach God is through Jesus Name.
---Darlene_1 on 11/15/10

---mima on 11/15/10

Jews and Christians do not worship the same deity.
Christians believe that God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Jews don't.
---Cluny on 11/15/10

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Karen, Jewish people do not believe that Jesus is God's son, and that Jesus is God, and they don't believe that Jesus is the Messiah and Christians do.
Wouldn't you call that unequally yoked? Because a Jewish person doesn't read or believe or obey the New Testament because they are not converted. They are not born again, and do not accept Jesus as their Messiah. They are un-regenerated (some have become born again) and if this Jewish male you're dating has become born again, a believer in JESUS, then you can marry him, if not, you should not because you'd be disobeying God and God's word.
---Donna5535 on 11/15/10


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  • They are diligent and dedicated guys whose compassion and patience are rare finds in most men. Marrying a Jewish guy is like winning the lucky sperm lottery, and it pays off in the form of devotion.
  • That said, according to Jewish tradition, dating plays a very specific role. Dating is viewed as a serious matter and is not intended for entertainment purposes. Dating is reserved for mature men and women who have reached marriageable age and are actively seeking their life mate.